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Friday 27 October 2017

Weekly Summaries- Dynamic Animation- Week 5

Week 5: (27.10.17)
What I learnt:
This week we were introduced into TV Paint and Wacom tablets. This was my first time using both of these technologies. At first, I found it uncomfortable using the drawing tablet, but with practice I slowly eased it to getting used to it and my drawing lines becoming more refined. On Tv paint, we learnt how to import reference imagery, and how to add frames. We practiced this by recreating our animations of ball bounces. Mine came out successful, I even further experimented by adding secondary action and backgrounds, however I need to experiment further with the tools, and how to export correctly.
Progress this week:
To further understand jumps, I watched a live stream of Aaron Blaise ‘Basic physics & Timing of a bears jump’. And a video on ‘Time and spacing’ by Richard Williams.  For both character design and research, I decided to further understand the human walk by recording walk footage myself.

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