Week 2: (6.10.17)
What I learnt:
This week we moved on to Bouncing Balls, with this practice
we had to focus once again on momentum vs. gravity, and the importance of
increase/decrease in spacing and timing of frames to create illusion of an object
moving quickly or slowly. For reference, we watched a Ted-Talks footage on
timing, speed and rhythm. For my first test, I created a pre-plan where the
ball was to fall three times, the animation was smooth, however due to the lack
of height with each bounce, and the lack of bounces- this gave an illusion of a
heavy object what did not show to be very bouncy, like a balling bowl. However,
despite this I developed it by adding a secondary action (giving the ball a
face.) Adding secondary action gives a scene more life and helps support the
main action.
Because of the speed, it’s hard to capture the details
I decided to further research into the movement of a bouncy
ball by recording a footage myself of a bouncy ball, then analysed the video. In
which I worked out that I needed to enhance the height of the bounces, and have
eight bounces overall. Which, caused me to hoe a much-extended number of frames
(124). I also decided to experiment with squash and stretch, to further exaggerate
movement. Overall it was time consuming, but worked much well. It would be interesting
to try another squash and stretch experiment, with less frames. It would also
be interesting to add a secondary action, with the use of squash and stretch. I
learnt that with in the squash and stretch principle, the volume must always
stay the same, e.g as it thins it must stretch, as it fattens it must shorten.
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