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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Elsa as a relatable character

The way that I perceive the
character 'Elsa' is that in her transformation she some what over comes her "anxiety"; This negativity that effects her behaviour and outlook on life, changes to her becoming a more positive character. It is noticeable that Elsa In the beginning of 'Frozen' has some form of anxiety or a fear, obvious in her actions and her movement. She is disconnected from others, locked away in her room, she is distant and reserved, from her kingdom and her sister. She acts cold and defensive towards her family. She is clearly melancholy. The traits of Elsa in this stage of the narrative is similar to a person who is depressed. Where the character is or isn't- she has characteristics of it. And most likely lacks In self-esteem, as she fears herself.
Which I believes makes Elsa a recognisable and identifiable character, that many can relate too. Many who suffer with these type of conditions and mental health, low self esteem, anxieties. Everybody can identify with Elsa on some level, as well have fears.
Which makes Elsa a more effective character Is that her second personal; is her overcoming her fears and anxiety, low-self-esteem, reserved self. Which is an powerful and inspiring message to those suffering.
Her character after the transformation compares greatly to her previous, she becomes a character who embraces her powers, she becomes creative, building a castle, new dress, snow man and many other things- in which she shows to have enjoyment, and playfulness something we see the character has missed out on a massive period of their lifetime. She is shown to be more confident by the way she walks, and her movement which could be described as "sassy", she wears more revealing clothing where before hand she overly covered.

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