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Monday, 16 October 2017

' Charachter design - the basics' tutorial

In this tutorial by David Armstrong from Catalyst-Studios, he tells of his three step process of creating characters.

1. The Basics:
Firstly, should start off with a story; as the characters have to fit in.
Question such as when is the story set, what is the brief, what role do they play, what do they give to the story, who are they?
Body language and gestures should be played with.

2. The Process:
Sketch ideas; make sure they can be recognisable by a silhouette, easy to identify.
Its important to make sure they are believable and have the "right look", fitting in with the world around them, and also that their body fits with in their role (semiotics).

3. "Putting The Pieces together":
 Set the scene, "get the look".
Develop characters, tell the story.

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