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Monday 16 October 2017

Introdouction Into Character Design

In todays session we learnt about the character design process, with in this practice we used abstracted ink dots, creating characters  or bodily parts  out of the ink dots by drawing connections and doodling over them;-using our imaginations.
after this, we then created  (segregated from the previous work) body shapes, using shapes to make out the bodies; for example triangle head, square body, circle arms and legs. We created multiple variations and experimented with different shapes. With semiotics in mind, we noted which body shapes, featuring different shapes would match which archetypes out of the 8 types.
Picking out our favourite ink doodle character, we experimented in thick ink which bodies would suit which character face.
We then refined the variations we liked most, drawing different features, then finally we drew our initial, refined once again, character.
Pushing the development further, our drawings were placed on a large screen and twenty colleges had to draw an impression of our character, changing them in anyway they like or please.
Viewing all the  different versions of our character we picked out the drawing we liked most and created a final drawing of our character with alterations based on others ideas and opinions.

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