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Monday, 16 October 2017

Characters and semotics

After todays introduction lesson, I thought I would attempt to connote shapes and link them to one of the 8 character archetypes.
In my notes, I commented on the shapes appearance, suggesting the connotations each shape signifies. I identified that a triangles sharp edges acts as a signifier to connotations of danger, edgy, strong. Its narrow sides makes it restraint and pointed. In the modern world also, weapons such as  knifes and swords have triangular shape, rode signs that are of importance and to alert are outlined in red triangles.
However a circle is the opposite to this. Its round edges makes it  safe, giving connotations of friendly, well rounded, innocence. For example the 'baby doll' look almost always feature big round eyes. Because of its shape, it has smooth movement therefore it may connote being well rounded and fair, going with the flow and always moving forward.
A square is more of the neutral shape compared to the triangle and the circle. A square may signify stubbornness, stiffness, rigid. Basic, bold, strong, bulky.

Creating a body shape using circles and triangles, I connected this character with the archetype of a shape shifter.
I thought that the circle nature would link with this character evolves, the way a circle keeps moving.  Also the way a shape shifter manipulates, hides his true self. The circle features may make him see trustworthy or a good person, but opposite to this is the triangular shapes that connote dangerous, sharp.  Like a snake, sneaky and cunning.
In this body shape, I constructed it will only round circular shapes. I believe this to be the side kicks traditional body. A side kick should be just, well rounded as a person. Safe, the innocent side to an hero character.
To a similar character body shape, I  added squares and rectangular shapes to a rounded body. I saw this shape belonging to a mentor character. The square/circular  relationship creates a balance of safe, sturdy, strong and well rounded connotations that should belong to this archetype.

Using only triangles, I tried to create the shadow archetype, the villainess character.
I thought that the triangles would match the dangerous, edgy, cunning side to this role. A character that everyone should be wary of.
Lastly, I formed a body shape using squares and rectangles;
the square parts connotes the strength, sturdiness. The triangular shapes show sharpness and powerfulness.
Which empathises the power and strength an hero has. To develop this shape  further to fit a super hero, I could  have added circles, to make the hero seem to have more virtue.


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