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Friday 3 November 2017

Weekly Summaries- Dynamic Animation-Week 6

Weekly Summaries- Dynamic Animation
Week 6: (3.11.17)
What I learnt:
This week we were introduced into the dynamic exercise, were we have to create an animation that features weight & effort, speed & acceleration, stretch & squash or/and Impact & Reaction. For this, I have created a story board for two ideas: One of a heavier man handing a balloon to a weaker man, who is out powered by them and secondly a man
who tries to lasso the moon, but once he does the moon is too big and squishes him.  Later on, this week I pitched my idea to a group in my class; whom all preferred the moon idea, believing it to be most promising to animate, easier to show the different principles and fitting more with in the frame limit.

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