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Wednesday 8 November 2017

Reeling in the moon: acting out actions

To further research, I asked my partner to act out the movements of reeling in the moon.
In his actions of pretending to swing out a reel, I noticed key poses similar to other drawings from other research sources of reeling out a fishing line.
From the side, there tends to be an 's' line of action, in the anticipation before swinging the fishing rod backwards. Once again, the body twists. The feet stays in the same place, only the legs and back moving and twisting; although the feet do lift, and point different ways- they do not move until the fall trying to reel in the moon. The movement of speed slows down as the moon is lassoed, this shows the weight and effort of trying to heave the moon down.

I shall use these key shapes and reference these movements with in my animation.

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