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Thursday, 16 November 2017

'The art of Disney's frozen'

'The art of Disney's frozen'
by Charles solomon

'The king and queen forbade Elsa to see Anna, and the life the girls had shared became a series of closed doors- doors they both wanted to open.
'Elsa knew they had been separated to protect Anna, but Anna didn't understand why her sister said no whenever she suggested doing something together.'

'After the death of their parents, the sisters grew further apart.'

'The film became an exploration of the special bond sisters share, a bond that can transcend years of separation and misunderstanding.'  p.13

'Elsa was going to be the complete antagonist'
'they kept calling her the villain, but there came a point we couldn't call her that anymore'.

'you care about some one who's been forced to hide who they are'.
'Elsa is not a villain, she just makes some bad choices because she's in a very difficult situation. '

'Elsa became more of the yin to Anna's yang'

'Its about the two sisters saving each other; its their broken relationship, and how they repair it.'

'I love Elsa, because we can make her cold and distant, but our hearts will still go out to her, We'll know she's living in a prison she can't share with anybody. Theres some pretty deep themes that come with not being able to admit who you are   for fear how people will react- Chris William, story board artist' p. 137

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