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Monday 25 September 2017

Pendulums introduction

In today's session we learned the dynamic movement of a pendulum swing

More challenging than expected, the pendulum swing consisted of working out how many frames, and at which angle and height, to create the illusion of a heavy item losing its monumental and gaining protentional speed.  

I learned the way forces impact on a swinging object, the difficulties I found were trying to estimate the points at which angle, frames should begin to increase within shorter distance (and the space distance). What helped was pre-planning with a diagram, planning the amount on frames each side.
However understanding the movement and the diagram took several tries.

 What I found most successful was creating a rough plan  with no measurements, and just colour coding where frames would begin to decrease, increasing space. This diagram was most helpful because of the simplicity of the visual design. previous diagrams over complicated the movements.
Charting at which point, frames began to enclose space between, and when frames should become even closer was the only information I needed to understand the way to animate the pendulum movement.

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